Business Book Club

Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better

Kim Scott

FROM THE BOOK JACKET: How to be respectful and respected at work-from the author of the revolutionary bestseller Radical Candor

We CAN create cultures where everyone does the best work of their lives and enjoys working together. Radical Respect offers a simple framework that helps us identify what gets in the way of that--and practical, tactical tips for how to get back on track. Candid stories from Scott's career make it a memorable read.

Previously published as Just Work and now substantially revised and updated, Radical Respect starts from a simple point of departure: organizations that optimize for collaboration and honor everyone's individuality are more successful, joyful places to work.

What moves us away from Radical Respect? Scott offers a "toxonomy" that breaks down a problem that often feels monolithic into its component parts. Once we break a problem down, we can more easily identify solutions.

No matter what your role is, this is the essential guide for helping to create the kind of workplace where you and those around you can thrive.

Kim ScottABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kim Scott is the author of Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity and Radical Respect: How to Work Together Better. She co-founded an executive education company that helps people put the ideas in her books into practice. Kim was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter and other tech companies. She was a member of the faculty at Apple University and before that led AdSense YouTube, and DoubleClick teams at Google. Earlier in her career she managed a pediatric clinic in Kosovo and started a diamond-cutting factory in Moscow. She lives with her family in Silicon Valley.

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