Romance Book Club

Golden Lord (Dangerous Gifts)

Mary Jo Putney

FROM THE BOOK JACKET: From New York Times bestselling author Mary Jo Putney, the second in an intoxicating historical romance series set on the rugged Cornish coast and in war-torn France filled with swashbuckling adventure and real-life history, intrigue and an unshakeable love--as two gifted individuals rely on their shared extra-sensory connection to block a dangerous plot against Britain.

England, 1803. The oldest foster child of the Earl and Countess Tremayne, Caden Tremayne was one of several abandoned children rescued into the fold of the "Tribe of Tremayne," each bearing a special gift. Now Cade's superior investigative abilities and talent for preventing violence--or when necessary, executing it--are urgently required by the Home Office. For after an all-too-brief peace, Britain and France are about to be at war again. But it isn't the dangerous mission that concerns Cade. It's his secret love for his sweet, bright, spirited accomplice...

Tamsyn Tremayne has always felt a deep connection to Cade, whose very presence warms her heart. Yet though they are not blood, their family relationship has led her to suppress her love for him. Still, their mental bond is undeniable--and only grows stronger, along with their feelings, when Cade is captured by the French. Tam knows that Cade will not be easily broken, yet only their meeting of minds can truly save him--and hopefully free them to be together at last. But first, she will have to navigate a treacherous maze of enemies and allies to find him, they will have to escape France--and block a devastating plot against Britain...

Mary Jo PutneyABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mary Jo Putney is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than sixty novels and novellas. A ten-time finalist for the Romance Writers of America RITA® award, she has won the honor twice and is on the RWA Honor Roll for bestselling authors. In 2013 she was awarded the RWA Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award. Though most of her books have been historical romance, she has also published contemporary romances, historical fantasy, and young adult paranormal historicals. She lives in Maryland with her nearest and dearest, both two and four-footed.

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